We're Supporting Local Football Club, Binfield FC
As part of our continued efforts to support the local community, we are delighted to be working alongside Frasers Property to donate the original furniture from the café in Building 3, Watchmoor Park, Camberley to Binfield FC.This comes following Curves instruction to revisit the look and feel of the café, reception, and common areas of Buildings 3 and 11 which includes supplying new furniture to complete the revitalised scheme.Working with Workmans, and joint letting agents CBRE and Hollis Hockley, the works will be completed by the end of August.Rob Challis, Binfield FC Secretary commented; “Thank you to both Curve and Frasers Property for the kind donation of furniture to our football club. This will help the club immensely and will improve the social and match day events that we host.”