Sensory Dimensions

April 22, 2022

A unique two level working environment

Sensory Dimensions
Lower Earley, Reading
Sq ft

Having been located on the Reading University Campus for over 15 years, Sensory dimensions made the decision to move on the back of the University’s development plans. Sensory appointed Haslams to find an industrial unit in the Reading area to suit their needs.

Project Summary

Sensory decided upon a 6,000 sq ft industrial unit on Cutbush Lane in Lower Earley giving the business a completely blank canvas in order to configure the unit to their requirements. Not long after agreeing terms, Curve Workplaces were appointed to deliver a turn key solution in the building.
Sensory Dimensions have a stunning two level facility which is genuinely market leading. The working facility includes kitchens, refrigeration, storage and observation rooms based on the ground floor along with a large consolidation/holding area adjacent to the main reception. The first floor mezzanine space is used for internal meetings and general operations looking down into a central atrium. The first impression on entering the space is unique for such a facility and has been incredibly well received both internally and externally.

Project Summary

Sensory decided upon a 6,000 sq ft industrial unit on Cutbush Lane in Lower Earley giving the business a completely blank canvas in order to configure the unit to their requirements. Not long after agreeing terms, Curve Workplaces were appointed to deliver a turn key solution in the building.
Sensory Dimensions have a stunning two level facility which is genuinely market leading. The working facility includes kitchens, refrigeration, storage and observation rooms based on the ground floor along with a large consolidation/holding area adjacent to the main reception. The first floor mezzanine space is used for internal meetings and general operations looking down into a central atrium. The first impression on entering the space is unique for such a facility and has been incredibly well received both internally and externally.

next case study



April 27, 2022


April 21, 2022
